Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thing 4

I had a fun experience taking some digital photos and uploading them to flickr . It was frustrating at first, but the more I got into it and kept at it, the easier the process got. On the other hand, uploading my photos onto my blog proved to be quite daunting. I did not remember my password, and several attempts with password recovery assistance proved futile. All the combinations I came up with didn't work, and I didn't get any emails from Google Help. (I feel like I've aged a thousand years since the last time I attemped this). In addition, I had to go over my notes to remember any of the stuff I did in February. Obviously, my memory is going down hill as well.
I must say Iwas persistent though and the efforts paid up and I was finally able to upload two photos onto my blog. Yeah! I will definitely use Flickr in my upcoming programs. A few customers have given their consent to having their pictures taken, and these will be posted on our website.

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